Art Direction, 3D Design, Graphic Design, Sound Design
Art Direction, 3D Design, Graphic Design, Sound Design
Web 3.0
Q2 / 2023
NVAK Collective™ reached out and asked me to create the genesis NFT that will announce Annika Rose's entrance into the Web3 space. NVAK™ and Annika set out to create the first video game-music video combo in the Web3 space allowing users to explore different avenues of Annika's room in 3D space and get exclusive music through owning these NFTs. Using Annika's brand identity, I created 3 geneis NFTs, a promotional animated poster, as well as a digital animated ticket for NVAK to use as invitations to the event in Los Angeles.
NVAK Collective™ reached out and asked me to create the genesis NFT that will announce Annika Rose's entrance into the Web3 space. NVAK™ and Annika set out to create the first video game-music video combo in the Web3 space allowing users to explore different avenues of Annika's room in 3D space and get exclusive music through owning these NFTs. Using Annika's brand identity, I created 3 geneis NFTs, a promotional animated poster, as well as a digital animated ticket for NVAK to use as invitations to the event in Los Angeles.